Thursday, July 8, 2010

Revisiting Denim Legging? Not Again…

last Sunday

i was pretending to mourn

for this pair of denim legging

an eye for an eye

since my sis’s pants are the culprit

you know what i mean


so during Monday outing with princess

i can’t wait to go MNG

i came on Saturday twice with Ted n gf

Sunday once with mom

(finally i collected my contact lenz, thx mom)

so this was the 3rd day in consecutive

and this time round i should not go out empty-handed


i had been eyeing it since last year Dec




till the price dropped by 3folds

till i have already got at least 3 pairs elsewhere

all in different colour


this is the cheapest ever

i have seen at MNG

under rm50

even cheaper than those i got at Padini


i guess because this colour

is far too unique

i cant’ really name the colour

greyish… no…

brownish with tinge of grey

no… greyish with tinge of green

ok normal lookingworking towards the curve 


ok the official site

names this colour, khaki

so slim


hey after seeing this photo

then i was convinced that

khaki can actually looks good

because initially i thought

i have made a wrong decision

because this colour was too difficult to

match with any other colours


no wonder it’s heavily-discounted

but what to do

i have already own most of the typical colours available


how come the way she presented this pair of jeans

is way so different from mine?

how come she looks so thin?

how come there’s no flabby thighs

how come it was of the perfect length


maybe i need a pair of wedges like that too

maybe maybe…
