Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Summerlicious Dress

today finished econs tutorial…

walking with Chong Hui towards the library

as usual, there were lots of booth selling stuffs there

but i wasn’t really attracted to them


a lady was displaying some clothes

then Chong Hui said,

Hey, a white top

i need it for my dance

then the lady said this is only for $2

second-hand clothes

there were some new clothes as well


so she picked out 3 tops and 1 pants

and tried it at the toilet

i waited for her lo

and she kept asking me

are you sure you don’t want to buy anything



erm… $ 5 for a pair of pants

not bad what

so i decided to get a pair of pants too

hers is pink, mine is blue

my 1st 2ndhand 


then i spotted this dress Chong Hui was holding just now

it is fancy-looking

it only costs $15,

it’s not second hand

not bad i think


it’s better than i go get a Roxy one

so i decided to grab it as well

after trying …. in the toilet

it's so summer


the back view

nice ribbon


we ended up walking happily to the library

with shopping bags

it’s a greenbag

from a fashion label @ Orchard Road

I thought I gonna end up with

black gross-looking rubbish bag.. lol

what do you expect from a stall



however this is a trap

that means next time

i will pay more attention

to those booth

which are available almost everyday


yesterday just talked about

self-evaluation vs self-improvement

today i was shopping

but however I was shopping wisely

that’s the point

i have come to accept 2nd hand clothes

i have bought a $15 dress instead of Roxy



life is great when you get to shop

but do remember to shop wisely



to Xiao Hua

you said you are not bothered about what I bought

but how much i have spent

I have spent $20 only…

