Friday, May 26, 2017

Blogging without X Open Live Writer: Is Like Living without Water

Friday Night

my goodness

my Open Live Writer was

suddenly not working again

not responding when I clicked open


it has never given me any issue

ever since it was made open-source

from Window Live Writer to

Open Live Writer back in Dec 2015


in fact I was updating a previous post

which I didn't close since yesterday

it was successfully published


when i wanted to open a new post

it refused to open or it crashed

i forgot because

i wasn't taking it seriously


so i restarted the app all over again

to find that it was not responding

it's like nothing will ever happen

no matter how many times

I clicked on it


i restarted my PC

and even tried downloading

the latest version

from Open Live Writer dot org 

but it didn't work as well



i was writing this from

the online Blogger editor

and i am so not used to the format


there are things

i would like to blog about

on a Friday night!!!

so i really hope Open Live Writer

will be back as soon as possible


I checked on GitHub and their FB page

thank goodness!!!

you are not the only one...


some other users were facing

the same issues as mine

and it was due to

an update they have released

Open Live Writer


oh man

it’s kinda sad

being such an user-friendly app

the page has barely 600+ likes

and you can figure out

from the likes of the post itself


it's the most important app on my PC

minus those I am using for work

like literally pinned to taskbar


it's kinda weird

it didn't even open

it's not even a crash or bug

it just refused to open


let's see

the page admin suggested

an update of .NET framework

Open Live Writer FB page


and i can't update my .NET

because i had disabled

my Windows update

.NET update failed


so what i gonna do now is

download a standalone

Windows update package

and update .Net 4.6.1

to see if it will get

my Open Live Writer

running again


Saturday morning

12 hours later

my Open Live Writer is

finally up and running again

From Windows Update

to .NET update


goodness me

download was taking forever

installation was taking forever

restarting was taking forever

working on update was still…

but it nevertheless works!!!


well… that actually

makes my weekend

in spite being

full working days

i shall find time to blog
