Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Glad to Tell X Eager to Sell: Lamai Hotel

we were expecting a budget room

although everything which was

displayed online

looked quite okay

Lamai Hotel


we chose it based on

  • proximity from the beach
  • budget price
  • wifi facility
  • relatively positive review


but who knows

only seeing is believing

only walking is tiring


Lamai Hotel

really has given us

a pleasant surprise indeed


just take a look at our room

wardrobe and dressing mirrorbath tubthe single beds


beside(s) the 42” tv

there’s a desktop

complete with webcam, headset

and even color printer

tv and desktop



we had our breakfast and supper

and sometimes tea

in the room itself

afternoon tea


the day after Phi Phi Island hopping

we practically spent the whole day

in the room

potato couching

surfing the 85 channels


our picks: Boomerang

The Flinstone Kids


but sometimes cartoons

are dubbed in Thai

then we will switch to AFC then


especially the badminton matches

it ended with a perfect full stop

Lin Dan has made it again!!

Lin Dan!!


you may laugh at us

for spending the day

in the hotel room

what a waste of time


it is a way to recharge ourselves


more over

after all

this is supposed to be a vacation

why rush ourselves into

tight and packed schedule

which end up

making ourselves tired and stressed up



the main point here is

the room is quite comfortable

that we can stay in there all day

it is quite bright during day time too


sometimes rooms can be quite bad

that all you look forward to

is the bed to sleep on

when you come back with drooping eyes

and a shower before

you sleepwalking into the bed

that’s an awful idea of a vacation

isn’t it


the strategic location:

  • 3 minutes from the beach
  • 3 minutes from the bus stop (to town)
  • 3 minutes from the mall & supermarket
  • on the main road, making it safer to walk



the compensation

for the cab fare incident

during our arrival

gave the hotel

some extra point too

on The Night We Got Stuck at the Airport!


by the way

from a pricing board

displayed at the receptionist counter

realized that


May-Aug is actually

considered the low season


the standard rate

for a room like ours

(two single beds / one master)

is available for 800 baht


of course

we booked it for lower rate

through Agoda


contrary to popular believe


Dec – Jan is the peak season

where the price rises to 1800 baht


make sense

since May – Aug is the monsoon season

and year end Christmas break

makes a perfect summer vacation

while escaping the winter

for those from the Northern hemisphere


it is a small hotel

with only 32 rooms

4 storeys

no worries

with elevator 

which can only carry 3 persons

in elevator


there is even

a small rooftop garden

level 5 - roof top garden


for more information

check out

Lamai Hotel official site

Lamai Hotel on Agoda


please be reminded that

Lamai Hotel and Lamai Inn

do not make any huge difference

since they are only 10 steps away

located on the same stretch of road


the one and only

unfortunate incident

which I did not complain

is that

the housekeeping team

actually threw away

my contact lens case

which I left them opened

to dry up


probably he or she

doesn’t have idea what the case is for

probably just a plastic waste



got a pair of case from Boots

it solved everything

even if I have complained

do not think they can do anything about it

writing in an e-mail

as a friendly reminder, maybe



then one of the nights

when I could not find my mini note and pen

I was quite mad

so they did it again

how could they kept doing this to me


or it could be due to my own carelessness

since I left everything on the bed

it may get trapped in between bed sheets


you know while they are changing the sheets


then I found my pen and note

underneath my bed

thank goodness!!!

it landed there and never got thrown away

or I could have mis accused them


until the very last day

packing up

my spec case was missing too

and since I did not use for the past few days

I did not even know

when did it actually go missing


must be on the same day

as my contact lens case

forget it

it is just an old, not so branded one

just leave it


give and take

give and take

I am given a good vacation instead

and losing two cases

funnily enough


at least

it is much better than

losing your favourite cardigan

and you don’t even know

how, when and where

The Lost Cardie


clap clap