Thursday, August 4, 2011

Indigenous X Intellectual : A Passage to India

Passage to India


browsed through the

Time ALL TIME 100 Novels


how few books on the list

I have actually read


therefore decided to go along the line

set a goal to read from the list

give the very old school quote

the more books you discover

the more you realize how little

you have actually read

then there’s BBC, Guardian, Telegraph

do not get intimidated okay


thought of reading like 5

during the break

but it failed miserably

I ceased reading on 7th July

and officially continued back

not too far away

on the 1st Aug

awfully lazy of me


out of the long list

why did I pick this old classic

1st of all

franking speaking

it isn’t the kind of story I expect


I imagine it as a journey, literally

maybe an adventure

thinking along the line of

Murder on The Oriental Express


Around the World in 80 Days


it intrigued me

and there are a few points

which I find pretty much true

and applicable up till today


you can build an England in India

and vice versa

people carry their root cultures

no matter how far they travel



especially given the technology

no matter where I go

I shall still carry the music

I always listen to

in my iPod, iTunes,

(not to promote iProduct)

or listen to it online


no matter how the environment

is being changed tremendously

I will slowly survive

and adapt to it

and still find ways to fit in

the same old things I used to do


the British people

in the story

are initially very much keen

to learn more about India

especially the people


but you think it is possible

given the variety of backgrounds

let it be religion, language, caste



the point brought forward is that

even though

you have travelled to a certain place

it doesn’t mean

you have known the people well


all you have seen

is tip of an iceberg

all you have enjoyed

is the scenery, perhaps

not the people

who you are to judge

the local people

the culture and stuff

and the country as a whole


coming to the issue of

discrimination and racism issues

you know

certain people claim that

they are not racist

they do not discriminate against

anyone in the whole wide world

their love towards the human race

is just so god-like


wait till their own benefits

have been eroded

then they will account everything

to the issue of race

“blame it on their races

they are born to be bad”


those derogatory comments

they used to condemn

come out from the very same mouth 



just enjoy your friends

while you can

because you will never know

when will thing turn ugly


and if it does

it will never be the same again

no matter how hard

you try to patch things back