Monday, August 22, 2011

Dreaming a Car X Kept in Jar: It’s Still Far

it was a busy weekend back home

rushed back today

cathing a 7.30 am bus

directly heading to school

just in time for 11 am class


so it wasn’t that bad at all

coming to think that

the distant between home and school

is a mere 4 hours journey

100% on public transports


but it really made me felt fallen out

like going to school

so unkempt

in the worst shirt

since mom always says

do not even try to look sharp

while travelling

be as haggard as possible


on the bus U429 again

this is the second time

I am taking this bus

from Putrajaya


it reminded me a lot

of how I got on it

for the very first time

where everything in the town

seemed to be so unfamiliar

on the bus



repeating the routine over and over


although I said

I am a person who

enjoy public transport

and it’s greener


it would definitely be a lie

if I claim that

I have never sometimes wish that

I am actually driving



maybe someday

I would have to pick up driving after all

when both my parents could no longer drive me

and I have to drive them instead



I just came to realize

how Mummy got involved in an accident

last Monday


she did not mention a single word

in phone calls or texts

guess she just doesn’t want me to worry

yet it really worried me so


met him for the fifth time

always on my way to or from Melaka Sentral

so glad he is still around

Beatle red


I will definitely brush up my driving skills

within days

if I gonna own this

cute little insect one day



I guess it is not part of

my parents’ responsibility

to finance such a fanciful toy for me



I have to save my own jar of coins

to own it someday

and start driving them around

to the sea

to the green land

to where ever they wish to go