Saturday, December 5, 2009

Shopping Withdrawal Symptoms

50% storewide


it’s the annual Roxy 50% storewide sales

promised Sue-yin to go with her

because she wanted to get a purse

but just too bad

can’t make it for the sales this year

on that day 3pm

i was having my marketing paper

with another two econs papers approaching


remembered last year

29th Nov

it was the same sales

things were different then

it was my last day of exam

South Asian paper

i was done at 11 am


rushed home

then went down with my mom

at 8pm

but most of the good stuffs

were already grabbed away then

ended up buying a pair of

short denim at Padini


i couldn’t go to Roxy no more

that crazy trip at JB

thank god i never encounter robberies or something

i was so proud of myself


the incident of losing my items

then only i realized

gosh, i should stop


ended up with a lot of clothes

i don’t even need


ended up with a hole in the pocket

that could have buy me a laptop

regret and more regret

post purchase dissonance

i hate my irrationalities
