Friday, December 25, 2009

Mum’s Kitchen: Nestum Cookies

lazy afternoon

if i don’t find something to do

i will end up napping after lunch

all the way till tea time

decided to go for some simple baking


prepared the dough on Tuesday afternoon

then put it in the fridge

left it till next morning


we didn’t use mixer

just the ladle to stir

because the baby was napping


no equipment is not

a valid excuse for

not learning to bake

stirring the mixture pre-baked         in-baking      2nd tray, more shapy freshly-baked         the top 5


at least, it tastes like cookies

with Nestum flavour

actually the basic ingredients

butter, flour and sugar

as long as we get the proportion right

it’s up to us to modify

the flavour, fillings, toppings


the spokeperson, Ah B

@ our old backyard    figuring out how to open it      thanzz a lot ya        i didn't force her to pose
