Friday, December 18, 2009

Pre-Camp Shopping

last Sunday

heading to Aaron’s house for BBQ

before going school

for camp preparation

took bus to Toa Payoh


a lot of people

at Toa Payoh Central

guess what

there was a John Little X’mas Sales

at the concourse area


look at the crowd

since i was carrying my huge backpack

and another XXL Nike beach bag

while i was choosing my items

an auntie tsked me

said in Hokkien that

“carrying such bags also want to shop”

i just pretended that i heard nothing

so packed that this gurl was protecting her boobs i wonder from where the name came from, John Little


i didn’t go browse around

aimed my target

picked and went

because the queue was already building up

one good training for patience


while i was paying

the salesgirl only scanned two items

i told her immediately

if you get something that doesn’t belong to you

you will sure to lose something for replacement


too bad i got too many things with me

can’t grab anymore

almost lost my way too

while i walking to Aaron’s house


i grabbed three mini dresses

or is it two mini dresses and one top

i don’t know

i haven’t tried out yet


one for me

one for Sue-yin

one for sis


mayb sis won’t be bothered about this

she is too engrossed with her Lancer

then Sue-yin can have two

or me.. me…


but it is good that i got three items

three is the optimum number

i learn from experience that

the more i grab

the more i will make some wrong choices


happy happy

and i am going home with these loots tomorrow

it goes so well with the dress spagtop green peacock harmonically
