May started slow
fell into a slump
but finally got a little better
towards the end
how bad could it get
slightly lower than the worst in 2020
but that is no longer that concerning now
went out of town for
the very first live band sessions
in 3 years
grabbed my PC along
since it was a Friday
and was away until Saturday
but actually didn’t turn on
all the way until Monday
work-free for the whole weekend
were telling others
there were occasions where
i flew in on Monday
and worked all day all night
going out for food and grocery
never away from the room for 2 hours
except Friday and Saturday evening
to watches two live sessions
which was the main purpose
of the trip
packed supper
and headed back to work
from a super lively neighbour hood
on a Saturday evening
a work-free weekend trip
was really something
i am so not used to
but begin to appreciate
and still learning to seamlessly switch between
a very slow week to
a hectic one which called for
a 7-day week plus OT everyday