Monday, April 17, 2017

Journey to Wuhan 06: Wuhan Museum 武漢博物館

Wuhan Museum 武漢博物館

is smaller in scale as compared to 

Hubei Provincial Museum 湖北省博物館

since it’s a city-level museum


located at Qingnian Road 青年路

within walking distance from

Hankou Train Station 漢口火車站

and the metro station

under the same name


it opened at 9

but we were here by 8:30

since we were staying nearby

and ended up at the park next door

cherry blossom?


it was really cosy and quiet here

Wuhan Musuem 武漢博物館


an interactive wall

where you may vote for

your favorite exhibit

Wuhan Musuem 武漢博物館


some of the featured exhibits

artifacts unearthed from

a palace and tombs of a lost city

Panlongcheng 盤龍城

which existed some time

between 1700—1300 B.C.

Wuhan Musuem 武漢博物館


some stories about Wuhan

during the 3 Kingdoms

all the way to the industrial revolution

during late Qing dynasty

leading to the modern history of Wuhan

Wuhan Musuem 武漢博物館Wuhan Musuem 武漢博物館


potential loots spotted

Wuhan Musuem 武漢博物館Wuhan Musuem 武漢博物館


final loots

failed to prevent my dad

from buying the chopsticks

he said it’s fair enough

i found mine and he found his

that set of chopstick

can buy 25 of this paper art

Wuhan Musuem 武漢博物館

Wuhan Musuem 武漢博物館


Journey to Wuhan 01: Almost Mid-night

Journey to Wuhan 02: Yellow Crane Tower 黃鶴樓

Journey to Wuhan 03: Hubu Alley 戶部巷

Journey to Wuhan 04: Jianghan Road Pedestrian Street 江漢路步行街

Journey to Wuhan 05: Hubei Provincial Museum 湖北省博物館

Journey to Wuhan 06: Wuhan Museum 武漢博物館

Journey to Wuhan 07: Changchun Taoist Temple 長春觀

Journey to Wuhan 08: Flight Cancellation