<23 trends guys hate, but women love>
- peplum
- beanies
- wedge sneakers
- floppy hats
- open-side shirts
- bright lipstick
- heavy eye-makeup
- bandeau bikinis
- pointy toes
- “fake” nails
- high-wais\ted jeans
- high-waisted shorts
- high-waisted skirts
- fold-over ankle boots
- ultra-high heels
- pantsuits
- drop-crotch pants
- hair bows
- bangles
- oversized sweaters
- mullet dress
- leggings
- shoulders pads
I totally agree with the list
some correspond with my list of
“Items I will Never Ever Wear”
such as leggings, wedged sneakers
well except for the high-waisted
that’s so unfair they are listed as 3 items
and oversized sweaters
they are such comfies
ultra-high heels and
pointy toes
I love seeing other women wearing one
but I am not a big fan of them
except for special occasions
bandeau bikinis
why not
if you are already wearing bikinis
does the strap make any different, really?
so little crime that
I have been committing
according to the list
yet I could not find a boyfie for long
it just went on to show that
it has no direct co relation between
what you wear and
whether man loves it
you can criticize a girl for
all the things that she wears
you can even call her a whore
but what if her bf really likes it
and how refined you think your taste is
shut the fup
because no one in the world
hell appreciates what you wear
okay chill
but the less crime I commit from the list
it may be something to be proud of
yet it is written
trends that guys hate yet women love
if I equally hate those items on the list
wait a minute
does it mean that..
I have not been dressing and thinking like
what a woman should
does it mean that
I have been too masculine all these while
goodness me
the same goes to the opposite
I have always been saying
I love guy in
baby blue / plain white shirt and
also white sneaker
the other day I was in mall
and suddenly I got this though
these items are available all over the place
sometimes I feel like buying one
which means there are actually men who
buy and wear these, isn’t it?
yet I couldn’t seem to see
the right person among the crowd
how is that supposed to be?
if you were to ask me to list down
ten items that I hate seeing a guy wearing
yes.. I have got the list
but it’s alright
why bothered to list down
what I dislike
they are all over the place on street
trend setting or ordinary being?
all a man or woman can care for
is that one person who looks right