Thursday, July 4, 2013

Tribal X Naval: Out from Social Withdrawal

Hello there

So long did not post about

Marketing survey & loots


Yes.. That's right

I did not buy anything since

Early March

To be exact

After I achieved the NEW BALANCE

*nirvana pose*


Was out today with besties

To enjoy a quiet dinner of two

After quite long indeed

My social life is totally dead since then


Grabbed the one hour after dinner

for a quick survey

Utilizing up to the last 15 mins

Front gate of store half down

Just the two of us in there


Can't decide between

Naval and tribal

iPanema tribal vs naval


So was besties

but it's alright

We settled on a different pairs each


For flip flop

I always buy one size extra

So that I can really be laid back

Wearing them loosely

And there is still space behind the feet


Loots of the day

Good old black is still the new black

-the end-

black loots