Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Baldspot Diverting X Busy Plaiting: Every Morning..

I wake up between 6.30-7.00 am

every morning

then now an added new task

balding crisis


15 minutes, fits in easily

because after the tv broke down

since 6+ months ago

I don’t have anything to do in the early morning really


I started to believe that

this is a annual thing

because last year

it strikes at almost the same period

(yeah Present Tense, since it’s a recurring phenomena)

feb-may, somewhere there

It Persists X Can't Resist: Balding Crisis


then later it was fine

I blamed it on the wrong shampoo

but apparently

now that it has made a come-back

I think the problem is more complicated

than a wrong shampoo


it is a vicious cycle

just like how leaves fall during autumn

and you can’t do nothing to stop them


the solution

interim solution

is to plait my hair everyday

any plait will do


the difference is obvious

as long as the hideous white rail trail

is well hidden

before plaitingmini plait on top of head


and I was sweeping my floor

on frequent basis everyday

with my slippers and manual pick-up

because I don’t really have a broom

to get rid of the real side of the story

ssshhhhh….. hush hush

just sweep everything under the carpet

hideous hair fall


everything would be good

when summer comes

yeah.. I think so


and anyway

up till today

people (in my culture at least)

still believe that

people with high forehead line

or balding spot on the forehead

are endowed with wealth

a high forehead


and I choose to believe it so

because I don’t really have a choice, do i?


that’s the common weakness of humans

blindly believes in whatever is to my advantage


and at the same time denying whatever

is on the adverse side

no no.. I am not balding

it’s just the high forehead


anyway.. high forehead and balding spot

are two totally different things, right

but when two are happening at the same time


balding crisis!!!


and maybe it’s kinda genetic

a few uncles and male cousins on my dad’s side

have got the M forehead

but why me??


moreover, the ironic part is

(oh this sentence sounds so academic)

my hair is virgin

have never perm, dyed, straightened it

not even on short term basis 


in that case

can’t imagine if I have really done one of the above

why can people blonde themselves

and decide to go red on the subsequent week


anyway, no matter how bad or good my hair is

going to turn

mark my words,

I would still go green

no artificial modification would be done,

no matter what


as I am always saying

and somehow

waiting up early in the morning

and making myself look good

kinda already determine

how is my mood like for the whole day

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