Saturday, August 1, 2009

Stephelle Kitchen: What Cha Cooking

now that i was camping in recrea room

i hardly cook

because sometimes i feel quite uncomfortable

to cook in public there

1stly, i don’t have much to share out

2ndly, people will wonder what kind of weird food i am eating


miss those good old days in my D 511 room

those days i still cook my food

instead of steaming

quite a lot of washing to do

but nothing beat the delicious products i got

hard work is always worth it


Creamy Barley Smoothie



disaster happened when forget to turn off ms Elle

and head down for meeting

creamy barley smoothie


but the outcome is very fantastic

milky, creamy barley

on the verge of

dripping out of the cup

Pancake Rice

pancake riceit's pretty crunchy and chewy


i don’t know why my rice turn out to be

like a pancake

but it’s easy to scoop

one whole big piece of rice

Oval Red Bean

Oval Red Bean


last time i don’t like this

oval version red bean

but the nutrition value

is higher than the ordinary red bean

so just eat it

so is chinese barley

now i learn to love it

Watashiwa Seaweed Noodle

seaweed noodle


delicious looking seaweed noodle

don’t you think my black pair of chopstick

make the noodle very Japanese?

actually it's just instant noodle :P



it’s just instand noodle

but i hate to cook instant noodle with ms. Elle

it’s damn difficult to wash

Steamed Sweetie



ugly looking thing

with golden flesh inside

敗絮其 金玉其中

goldenscooping sweet potato with a spoon


enjoy the sweet potato

with a 40 mins show

i chose 志雲飯局 featuring Mark Lui

they were enjoying their Italian meals

while i enjoyed my sweet potato

Barley Remix



it' is not really a perfect match

but no choice

i just wanna clear stock

Dried Noodle

mee sua


i need to clarify

this is not instant noodle

100 % i cook one

nice nice


dried onion

is a must on dining table at home

i don’t wanna bring

because i afraid the thing will turn oily very fast

thanks to mom

surreptitiously slotted it in


Bean Sprout Wannabe

almost sprouting


i soaked my green bean overnight

i feel like it’s turning into taugeh

forget to take photo

of the final product


brown rice

brown rice porridge

so healthythe taste is so rich


brown rice

Chinese Barley featuring Winter Melon Slices

Chinese Barley with winter melon slices


they are perfect match as always

chinese barley is the easiest to cook

among all tongsui

very fast

and doesn’t leave stain on ms Elle much


Red Bean X Black Glutinous Rice

Red Bean soup


thanks to Carly’s tip

to make the beans stay in

intact shape

put a porcelain spoon while cooking


this makes me feel very very full



how to enjoy sweet potato

in a delicate manner

1st, peel off the skin on the top2nd, scoop it with a spoon as if you are eating ice cream3rd, braek it into halves
