Monday, August 24, 2009

Aeon Tebrau City

long weekend..

all e way till Tuesday

actually i always have this thought

of crossing over to JB on weekend

been talking to Jason bout it on Saturday too


so here are e extra motivations on this week

to cross over alone…

i went to the most dangerous city in Msia all alone

i asked Jason along

he said he had spent too much recently

went i reached JB

phoned up Teddy

he said he was busy with assignment

hell, just prayed hard that i won’t get robbed

but i had already dressed up in

the most haggard t-shirt i can find




till i visit Roxy Melaka next week, all e lovely items will be gone

and the Roxy here is definitely bigger




i may find this at Jusco for RM 99P8173811


so here i went

took a bus in front of City Square

any bus labeled Ulu Tiram will do

cost rm 2.50, air-coned bus

everytime i took out mr. Oly

i was on caution

looking around and

quickly kept it after the photos were taken




it took around 20mins

to reach here

will pass by Carrefour, Tesco

then finally the huge Jusco sign

i just followed the crowd

walking through some muddy lanes

and ended up at the car park

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first and foremost, ATM

this RM50 note doesn’t seem familiar to me

i guess it’s new

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the toilet with a “preening” space in JB

not bad

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what shops are there to shopP8233969 P8233971P8233976 P8233977 P8233963P8233979 P8233981


and finally…

what is that word

read “S-A-L-E-”



trying trying and more trying

camwhoring too

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which color to buy?



i don’t buy from SUB

but i know someone who is a great fan

SUB – the clubbing community

party animal.. you know i am talkiig about you right…P8233990 P8233992


views from Level 2

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oh my

saw my sport bra here

rm 60+ only

i paid sgd 35 for it

i have burnt about rm 60 already

from the 3 nike items i bought from Flag

it’s ok

well, it’ for charity



Nike Free 7.0

for less than rm 250

if i am 15 years old now

then maybe i will buy this

or maybe it is white instead of white

or maybe i didn’t buy my  ms. Stella

or maybe….



i like this brand

price range is like rm 50

if i didn’t shop at Roxy yet

maybe i’ll buy

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how good it is

if all fitting rooms come with this

it not that i wanna sit

but to put my stuffs

to relieve my tired arms and shouldersP8234006 


at the end of the day



all the photos below were taken

while i was looking for a bus stop

there must be a proper bus stop

with shelter all  the way from the mall right…

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finally i gave up

took escalator down to the basement carpark

find lot J49

(thank God i remember this)

and went back to my muddy paths


oh my

then i met Robert Frost again

actually i took the wrong path…

thinking that i can cross the road

from the bus stop i came from

actually no

overhead bridge is the only solutionP8234012


walking further and further awayP8234013


the last hurdle



saw a bazaar at the custom

but i couldn’t buy anything

with my both arms full

say bye bye to the Apam Balik



the slightly injured arm



the half eaten loaf of bread

while i was waiting for the SBS bus

i couldn’t eat in the vicinity of JB

the Muslim were fasting

i don’t know how come this bread is named

National Bread

it’s sweet, with some raisin

yeah, i am patriotic

i was attracted by the name

without knowing what’s the filling



Special Dedications

Ms Carly Yap

- a place with memories



Mr. Teddy Lim 

- who told me there are no KFC and Pizza Hut there…

  they are just side by side

- and there is also a food court at Level 3,

  no need to go for Jp steamboat all the time,

  i know you are rich but i am not

