Sunday, August 8, 2021

2021/08/08: July

Having started talking about July
in the previous long overdue post
as usual
July was a total opposite of June
with almost no OT session
and there were days with 
no work at all
was getting a bit panicky 
towards the end of the month 
since I doubted the sales volume 
would even hit the min. line
but it did
with the helps of 
a few pending orders 
that wasn't billed in last month
so it wasn't that bad after all
on those mornings with no work
I did a 20 minute workout 
it kinda made me feel at least
more productive and energized
and for two weeks in a row 
and with few misses in the month
I managed to incorporate a 
morning session 
with or without work 
but now it is more like a 
pre lunch midday workout 
since i found the timing suits better 
work usually stops at 12 pm 
but it is another hour until lunch 
to stick to my 16/8 IF
so instead of spending that hour 
thinking if I am hungry or not 
or what's for lunch later 
it's definitely better to
get my 20 minute workout done 
followed by a short break plus shower
and heading to lunch 
feeling and looking refreshed
not that anyone cares 
since i am at home anyway
thanks to a not so busy month 
I managed to watch most of the 
Olympic events i wanted to
and some i didn't intend to
but eventually followed all the way
such as the athletics
having written two posts back to back 
but with miserably little content for June
lesson of the day, once again:
don't procrastinate