Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Moment of Entrapment

today is the last day of exam

woke up early as usual

checking my mails

and decided to go settle my visa



found the travel-agent

although it has already shifted

to another building nearby


till i saw the stack of passports

on the person’s table

gosh i need to submit my passport

for visa application

why haven’t i thought of this before


that means i can’t go back

during the weekend

because the processing

is 5 working days


i ask the person whether he can

speed up the application process

because the person back at school

told us that it usually takes

1-2 working days only

he said no


i was going to faint

when he wrote on my receipt

collection on 12th May aft 7pm


you know what’s the implication of this

that means i gonna be trapped here

without anything to do

for almost 1 week


and i gonna miss the weekend at home

gonna miss Mother’s Day

and Wesak Day as well

and friends gathering (if any)


what i gonna do?

i can imagine myself



listening to song,

watching drama,

watching Barney without Ah B,

cooking a little meal,

hanging around in

an all empty library,



sleep again

sleep again

for 1 week


this is gonna be the

most unproductive and

most boring 1 week

of my whole life


on the bus back to school

i couldn’t think of anything else

felt i have betrayed my family

by telling them that

i am coming home tomorrow

yet gonna spend 1 week

being a hermit in the hostel


sent 1 sms to mom

to tell her about this

i gonna cry


i gonna flunk my exam later

due to this

because i don’t have any

good thing to look forward to

finishing exam is not the

main reason to be excited about


i even came out with some silly ideas



1st case

sneaking via the customs

begging them to let me go back

but how many times can i beg

i need to pass through customs

4 times in total


2nd case

go back aft 13th,

then never come back on 17th

to do rag

just disappear into thin air

and come back during Aug


3rd case

ask mom to come and find me here


4th case

worst come to worst

i will go back

and never to return

to sg again

life is a breeze at home

can happily survive

with the title

‘the girl who never complete

her edu at NUS’


i don’t wanna go India

i don’t wanna do rag

i just wanna go home



when i reached school

i called up the agent

see whether they can

postpone the application

i want my passport back!

if they don’t allow

i’ll just cry



she said i can collect my passport

aft 7pm today

no problem at all

and come to collect my visa

some other days



i can go home after all

the sky is bright again

i am again

the happiest person

on the earth
