Friday, May 8, 2009

Banda Hilir Rojak

today aft we went MP

Xiao Hua fetched me back home

decided to stop by for a snack

3 choices

- fried kueh teow    

- ABC cendol

- rojak 


decided to go 4 rojak

cause very long never take that Rojak

it has been ages

craving for it


the uncle selling the rojak

is my grandpa’s friend’s elder son

we call him Uncle QingHai’s son


his dad still visits us during CNY

and give me ang pao

old old friends they are

hitting 90 soon


this boss has been selling Rojak

for at least 20 years

so quite an local icon

for people around this area


lovely lovely

wanna find back

those good old flavours



almost sunset

sun not as hot anymore


the boss preparing rojak

this kinda lazy chair

i think last time

everyone owns one at home

the stall by the roadside


this one looks like going to Kenduri

wedding lunch?


very very Kampung-ish flavour


sandy ground



and under the shade

of an old tree



with whom i went with

kampung boy

me and Kampung Boy


our rojak is here

Banda Hilir Rojak


can’t help noticing

how much peanuts on top there

it’s mouth watering

 peanuts scattering all over


rojak with cooling coconut water

rojak + coconut water


the view across the road

kampung house

with a very very big

mango tree

Kampung house


the uncle going to close soon

rm 5 only for the lovely meal


where is it?

Banda Hilir Rojak location


Jalan Parameswara

my dad said this is tam-chak street (貪吃街)

i won’t disagree with him


landmarks along this road

- McQuek Satay Celup

- Newton Food Court

- OUB Food Court    

and other minor eateries 


evening pre-dinner snack

is great !!


next time will cover the other

nice food along this street

from breakfast

lunch, snack,

dinner and even supper too
