Tuesday, November 2, 2021

2021/11/02: September

September kinda flew by
no should i say October
as we are now already in Nov
and 50+ days till Christmas
I vaguely remember 
being quite busy in Sept
then i started bedtime reading
having realized that
I have been spending too much time
on browsing shopping platforms
Roald Dahl's short stories collection 
under 8 different themes
let's see i can remember all
which i managed to finish by Oct
Lust (highly recommended!) 
I have finished all 8
so it took me 2 months
one perk i discovered about
bedtime reading is
it helps to take my mind off work
especially on nights when
i log off after midnight
there are occasions where
i found it hard to fall asleep
real quick
probably due to excessive screen time
and also worry about next-day workload 
reading a short story before bed
doesn't make me fall asleep immediately
but at least there's something 
definitely more interesting
to think about
and another perk would be
the extra push to work harder
during overtime slot
because i can't wait to
get back to my book
got both doses of jab in Sept 
and things seemed to be
getting back to normal out there
but still not convinced
to go out unless necessary
I guess that's the new norm
for people like me who
were already quite reclusive 
way back