Friday, November 6, 2020

2020/11/06: October

October started slow

then there was this sudden crisis

3 family members down with dengue

and got hospitalised at the same time


so I had to take charge of

everything in the family

mentally and physically drained

and hit with some biggest

frustration and disappointment

that had to do with their attitude


and after they were discharged

I was down with high fever

but thank goodness

admission was not required


so I put on my out of office sign

first time since February

but still working everyday

knowing very well

that's no way I can stop


and for the next 2 days

had to finish work earlier

and went for blood test

to make sure I was really OK


survived the month

juggling work and family commitments

all I can say it

well it just made 2020

more memorable than ever


and finally had time to

bake some bagels, pizza and

even some Halloween buns

before the month ended
