Sunday, July 6, 2014

Stephelle’s Kitchen: How to Remove Sticky Label Residue off Glass Jar

serving smoothies in glass jar by

recycling pasta sauce jars


removing the sticky label residue

from the jar itself

was an issue for me


stupidly did the stupid step of

burning the jar on stove

oh my goodness


and googled for

so many methods which

I thought of trying

olive oil, nail polish remover etc


until I came to realize

ya the theory behind the burning

is kinda right

heat melts the sticky residue

enabling easier removal


yet there’s an easier way to do it

Removing Sticky Label Residue off Glass Jar


which is to pour boiling hot water

into the jar and

put on the cap to

capture the heat

wait a little while

and the sticky residue will actually melt


and just peel it off with bare fingers

within 15 minutes,

I actually ended up with this

which I am quite happy with the result

I guess I will just leave the stripes on

Removing Sticky Label Residue off Glass Jar


how about some really stubborn one

after a round of peeling

I still ended up with this

Removing Sticky Label Residue off Glass Jar


then moved on to step 2

which is to shower the jar

under running tap water

and rub the residues off

as much as you can


hence I ended up with this

the real stubborn one

which survives stage 2

Removing Sticky Label Residue off Glass Jar


step 3

repeat the process of

pouring hot water and

start rubbing the residues off

after awhile with

dampened cloth with rough material

I used a microfiber cloth here

Removing Sticky Label Residue off Glass Jar




step (1)

pour hot water into the jar

cap it on and wait a little while

peel the label off with finger


step (2), if needed

shower the jar under running water

rub the residue off

as much as you can


step (3)

repeat step (1)

but instead of finger

use a dampened cloth with rough material

to rub the residue off


and here you go

sparkling jar ready to be used

for smoothies for fridge storage

so on and so forth

Removing Sticky Label Residue off Glass Jar


happy smoothies!

Green apple yogurt smoothies