Monday, July 14, 2014

New Peers X Happy Sphere: Freshman Year

July 13 in conjunction with

National French Fries Day

marked the 6 months anniversary of

me entering work field on

a permanent basis


let’s do some throw-back

on my Freshman year as an uni student

life was good back then when

everyone hasn’t torn apart

because of goodness-know-why issues


and yes I would definitely miss

the freedom of wearing whatever I want

whatever I feel like to school

every single weekday


no “corporate smile”

no make-up

no heels


Mar 23, 2011

Freshman Year


Mar 24, 2011

Freshman Year


Mar 30, 2011

Freshman Year


Apr 12, 2011

Freshman Year


Apr 13, 2011

Freshman Year


May 5, 2011

Freshman Year


May 11, 2011

Freshman Year


May 13, 2011

Freshman Year


May 23, 2011

Freshman Year


May 24, 2011

Freshman Year


May 25, 2011

Freshman Year


May 26, 2011

Freshman Year


May 31, 2011

Freshman Year


June 01, 2011

Freshman Year


July 11, 2011

Freshman Year


Aug 18, 2011

Freshman Year


Aug 25, 2011

Freshman Year



based on the title of the post

I thought the post is supposed to

cover the happy happy moments with

your peers

yet it’s an entire lookbook


well you see

it shows

when I am in really good mood

it is all reflected on

the faces in the photos



to be continued…