Saturday, July 12, 2014

Stephelle’s Kitchen: D:nner42

had Mag Mag to sleep in for a night

quite a rush though

she flew over in the evening

after work and

reached my place by 10:30pm


so we really didn’t have much time

to talk, since both were quite worn out

but still the conversation went on

until 1am and Mag told me:

you can close your eyes while

talking to me


I was rambling on:

sorry Mag but when I closed my eyes

I can’t talk anymore

good night kay


fell asleep the next minute

I closed my eyes


and we had to say

goodbye to each other 7:30am

next morning




by the way

this is the menu for dinner

main course: Spicy Udon

soup: creamy potato

dessert: green apple yogurt smoothies

dinner for two:


having the concern that

I may end up home late on

the night itself

I actually prepared the

mashed potato and vegetable broth

the night before

vegetables broth and mashed potato


not too bad the idea

I guess I can start practicing this

from time to time


I hope the green apple smoothie

didn’t taste too bloody

no worries it happens all the time

Bad fingers


looking forward to the next meet-up

hope we are heading somewhere far

although we didn’t manage to

find a solution to the Evol quiksilver

I am stuck in right now

it feels good to be able to confide

in someone I really trust



thank you for the souvenirs too

and I salute your courage for

trying out a block of my 99% dark cocoa

i picked this flavour because it's blue


and I have turned the elastic bookmark

into a bracelet charm


USS elmo elastic bookmark charm


happiness is dinner for two

yeah baby.. looking forward to

more sessions like this with

people I like and love

Let's eat together