Monday, July 4, 2011

Summer Vacation Roar X Freedom’s At Door: Suddenly Craving For

been talking a lot about

random daily everyday boring stuff

do not have any ideas

probably have already drained my inspiration

at the project that has been going on


suddenly got the false impression that

today is the last day of school

then I am free to go


then suddenly got random thought

for hell a lot of food

those home-cooked and Malacan food


till night

got confirmation that

we still have a meeting to attend

tomorrow morning

and supposed to be staying

till the whole project is over

supposedly till end of the week

or no credit, cert or whatever


oh damn

I should have bought the bus concession then

taking cab to and fro uni everyday

is definitely costing me

an arm and leg

bad investment here


please tell me

I can go earlier

or at least latest

by this Friday please


my menu of the day:

breakfast: 2 pieces of bread + UHT milk


lunch: chicken chop

this is the first time

I finish up the whole thing by myself

probably because I think

I gonna miss it during the break

and I miss Her Highness

we were always sharing one set

I ate the veggie and potato

and cut the chicken chop into fine portion for her

chicken chop


dessert: Fruittare Grape

not too bad

no artifical colouring and real fruit juice

that’s according to them

Fruittare Grape


tea time: honey Milo bread

never know it blends so well

and the course and uneven surface of whole meal bread

giving it ample hole

to “breathe in” the honey

and Milo powder on top

just stick well onto it

how I wish I can just turn it into some toast

honey milo toast


dinner: stir fried wantan mee with olive oil pickle

smell pretty good

since it is olive oil and celery

except the bitter lettuce

stir fried wantan mee with olive oil pickle


drink: soy bean x coffee

another concoction of Stephelle’s Kitchen

to flatten the coffee

so that it wouldn’t slash my tummy

this tastes slightly better

than the previously steamed

Milkee Coffee


it’s quite saturated actually

just look at the thick foam

soy bean coffee


food that flashed through my mind today

I want them quite badly

okay I have been eating weird stuffs, maybe


Chapatti with vegie dhal curry gravy

I can just sip the gravy on its own

Chapatti with vegie dhal curry gravy


Nasi Lemak,

specifically banana leave wrapped

it doesn’t really matter

if there’s no roasted peanuts, no egg

just give me a proper sambal paste will do

banana leave wrapped Nasi Lemaka



the one we home made

once upon a Chinese New Year

Home Made Waffle



or was it the one I made

during my one month “internship”

at the gelato store

Hiding in The Igloo photo album

waffles machine


chee cheong fun

not the hong kong style one

but the plain one

with yam cake

and sprinkled loads of sesame on it

and mixing the chili sauce and sweet sauce together

then pour the mixed sauce all over


sadly I can’t seem to find a photo of it


by the way

the one sold at Bukit Cina corner

always have to Q up

all the adults at home are saying

it is not as good as good old time

still people are going for it

because we do not have much choice

I guess

chee cheong fun at bukit cina



when I was looking through

my foodie goodie database

to compile this post

practically swallowing saliva

tummy is quite full, actually

but insatiable cravings for food

save me please