Sunday, July 24, 2011

Happy Ending X Farewell Bidding: Hourse-Moving

bought them on 31 0f Dec 2009

New Pets for 2010

Welcome home


settled down

at the praying altar

Look, we got preened


then moved on outside

during Chinese New Year

during the CNY


till this week

dad conveyed the thought

of delivering the horses elsewhere

because my late grandpa used to advise

not to keep them at home

only temple will keep such animals statutes



we sent them away

the final bath

then we realized

actually they look best

standing among the greens

the horse along the green time to say goodbyeyet they are still chatting in high spiritsand laughing awayreally it's time to go


where to?

a better home for them

a newly established

well… is temple the right word to use?

a Buddhist centre



safeguarding the Buddhist centre

by the fountain

with water flow, green grass and sunlight 

settling in the new place


hope they will adapt to the new environment

real soon

but somehow

it feels weird

when I walk out of the main gate

without seeing them there

ever again

the empty space


but isn’t it an happy ending

  • for us: adhering to what grandpa said, even much later after he passed away
  • for the horses: sharing their chatter time and joyfulness with the public
  • for the horses: (according to dad) learning proper Buddhism education 
  • for the centre: getting a pair of welcoming mascots