Saturday, July 30, 2011

Mum’s Kitchen: Homemade Rojak

I am a great fan of Rojak

actually it is not difficult to guess

anything that involves loads veggie

eg: Popiah (veggie wrap), hotpot

a little bit of anything

tasting spicy

then it would be my kind of food



my mom doesn’t make it often

due to the prawn sauce used to

prepare the gravy

she is quite allergic to prawn

and according to her

that sauce is not very healthy

made of prawn head

it is what the chinese labels as 

“poisonous” food


“poisonous” food

in other words,

food that causes allergic,

food that makes wound heels slower


and recently

she got this vegetarian version of Rojak sauce


and frankly speaking

it tastes no different from

the original prawn sauce



  • vegetarian Rojak sauce
  • grounded peanut
  • black sesame
  • grounded chili paste


fruits / raw veggie:

  • green apple
  • apple
  • pineapple
  • cucumber
  • sengkuang / pangkuang / yam bean


suggested ingredients (not included today):

  • bean sprout
  • kangkung / water spinach
  • green mango


sour & spicy

crunchy all the way

and it is definitely a healthy snack 

the Asian flavour salad

yum yum yum

fruit rojakhomemade rojak is jolly tasty