Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Lovely Krabi 08: Aonang Street Shopping

i wasn’t planning to buy anything

but for the kids and their mom

i.e. my boss


and my travel mate

was looking at clothes

and bags

so i just followed along


but she didn’t manage to

buy much during day 1

and got hers when

she went out alone


well i guess that’s better

since we have different pace

when it comes to shopping

and everything else

so we end up going separate ways


but first

during day 1

while i was supposedly

so called companying her


i ended up buying

quite some petty stuff

while she hasn’t got any yet


shopaholic pled guilty

i should have learnt from her


like how she careful

examined every item and

later said no as

there were some flaws


and she was so concentrated

on examining the items that

she forgot to say thank you

to the seller before leaving


and a few sellers actually

expressed frustration

because she wasn’t responding

to their questions and offers


for me my motto is

just do it

as long as the item is right

and the price is within

your affordable range


and i would say that

i guess this pretty much applies to

other parts of Thailand also


the items on sale

are pretty nice looking

like it’s not something

you buy for the sake of souvenir


some are something

i actually like and

don’t mind using / wearing


and despite the stores

are offering similar items

they are different on their own


that’s one of the reasons

i adopt the Just Do It motto

you wouldn’t know if

you’ll find the same item

further down the road


and some pretty

hipster or pop culture stuff

and there was this particular store

i am almost falling in love with

everything in there

Aonang Street ShoppingAonang Street ShoppingAonang Street Shopping


my boss specifically asked for magnet

and please she definitely wouldn’t want

some 3 for 100 baht magnets

and yay

i ended up matching a pair

that i really like

it was pretty challenging

as there were less left elis

Aonang Street Shopping


Aonang Street Shopping


moreover for me

street shopping

has a lot more to offer

e.g. cool bikes along the road

i wonder if they actually get to

customize their Fino and Scoopy

because every bike is pretty unique

Aonang Street Shopping


and something to

drink and eat

along the way

from Family Mart and 7 Eleven

as well as street stores

Aonang Street Shopping


not forgetting

some cute things

got this from Family Mart



okay done for first half of Day 1

with magnets, pouch, keychains

my niece has a fetish for keychain

but she is not as hard to please

so i got her some 100 baht

elephants keychains and owl pouches


photo in the next post

as i lump my loots for the day

together with those from Night Market
