Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Lovely Krabi 04: Final Shopping

decided to stay up

a little longer

as i do not have any

pending deadline for now


continue on my tragedy

of being absolutely poor


and i finally made it to

the final night

with 580 baht in my pocket


in fact i owed my travel mate

like 300+ baht

but have told her that

i will be paying her in MYR

so that i can reserve some

for last minute shopping


so i entered this one

a local convenience store

know as SMart



it was empty in there

but items are pretty

well organized



then i found my target

a squid snack

my boss was asking me to buy

she even sent me the product shot

from 11street

Bento Squid Seafood Snack


then i decided to buy 3

she was asking for 1

and i was like oh no

i am not as poor as that yet


and i shall proceed to

explore other convenience store

because i realized

their stuff are actually pricey

because a yogurt i bought at Family Mart

for 14 bath was selling at 20 baht


yeah they basically round up

all the last digit

everything is sold at

20, 25, 35 baht

that’s fishy


so i bought three packs

before moving on

and will come back

if they are cheaper here


so i went to my next stop

a 7 Eleven which is

always crowded


damn they have the whole range here

and what’s more

it’s 20 baht

i got mine for 30 baht



and a dozen is going at 228 baht

which is like 19 baht each

sorry forgive me as

every penny counts for

someone as poor as me


after paying at SMart

with my 500 note

i have 410 baht left

and a couple of 20 baht

like this much



two packs are equal to

228 X 2 = 456

then i’ll get a Vitasoy at 15 baht

to round up the figure to 470




i don’t know what got into me

like a perfect solution has been

figured out yet

i took a pack of local chips at 60 baht

like wait..

you are out of budget come on


so i asked the cashier to

cancel the chips

she asked me if

i have Alipay instead

unfortunately i don’t


isn’t that kinda cute

although i am not really a fan of

any Sanrio character

i would have gotten ten pieces

in one whole complete set

if i have spent 500 baht

Sanrio X 7 Eleven Thailand


the items are actually

pretty huge for a redemption scheme

Sanrio X 7 Eleven Thailand


never mind then

i can’t believe i am actually

opening a spare bag for these junks

Bento Squid Snack


i am left with like 20 baht?

and some debt of 300+

are you happy now?

yeah perfectly

because i at least get to buy

what’s requested


i am not too sure how

this ends up as the 4th post

like i have loads more to

talk about instead of this


never mind

it’s timeliness that matters
