Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Lovely Krabi 05: Airport Bus That Broke Down

i have so many to talk about

suddenly i didn’t know

which one should come in next


and i think it’s easier to

transfer all photos to my laptop

and sort them out

before i start blogging


instead of looking around

for photos from my phone


okay let’s rewind

i departed on Saturday

got a 10:30 AM bus ticket

to the airport

it takes about 2-3 hours max


so it was estimated that

i’ll be reaching around 1 PM

and have some time to

lunch and loiter

before our flight at 4:15 AM


but shit happened

the 10:30 AM bus didnt’ come

because the bus broke down


so the person in charge

led us to the counter

for a refund and assumed us that

we can catch another 10:30 AM

with another bus operator


basically there are only two

which run service between

Melaka and KLIA1/2

and they kind of form agreement


company A runs buses on

10:30 AM / 12:30 PM / 2:30 PM

while company B runs buses on

9:30 AM / 11:30 AM / 1:30 PM

and so on


but someone came

saying that 10:30 AM

was not available


okay fine

you guys can get 11:30 AM

that would be still okay

i guess


so we were queuing

at Counter B for 11:30 AM

however while queuing

was told that

the tickets were sold out


so the next would be

12:30 PM with company A


what the hell

and I decided to just

catch a 11 AM to KL

and transfer to the airport train

KLIA Transit / ERL


so i got onto the 11 AM bus

a couple and a solo traveler

from China were following as

they have trust in a local like me

Delime Melaka-KL


so we reached TBS

around 1:15 PM

and i was waiting for them

i know i have to run for the train

but feel bad to ditch them

just like that


i found out that

the train ticket is quite pricey

having informed them

the solo traveler decided to

just go with bus which is like

so much cheaper


and she was not

really in rush as

her flight was at 5

and it was a domestic flight

to Langkawi


so i left

with quick pace

by the time i reached

the train station

and checked out the signboard

next arrival was like in 0 minute


okay fine there’s no way

i can make it

so i just took my sweet time

at the vending machine

and the couple caught up with me

and i bought three tickets in total

KLIA Airport Transfer ERL Ticket Vending Machine


thank goodness for the machine

or i doubt i even have enough cash

to pay for one ticket

and there’s 10% off


the next train

would be like in 30 minutes

so i took my own sweet time

i can’t remember when was the last time

i took this but it was like half the price

KLIA Transit


Melaka – KLIA by bus =  25 MYR

Melaka – KL by bus = 10 MYR


KL Sentral – KLIA by train = 55 MYR

KL Terminal – KLIA by train = 38 MYR

ridiculous right


so i just hanged out

talking to the couple

they are from Suzhou

and were also heading to



i seriously don’t know

what’s good in Langkawi

because I have never been there

chocolate and alcohol?


but i nevertheless

made it to the airport by 2:15 PM

which was like okay


grabbed some buns

and a bottle of Coke

and off we go
