Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Trespasser? X Revenger?: Seeking Shelter

day three as a hermit


they label this as anti-socialism


first thing to do after getting out of bed

it’s quite a spontaneous habit to

walk to the balcony


greeted by an uninvited guest

sitting in the living room

gosh!!!  Who the heck are you?

cat at my flat


she didn’t look disturbed at all

I was more like the intruder to her

p.s. apology for the gross-looking settee

it belongs to the management, not mine

cat at my flat


threw her out to the balcony

no.. I mean gently, slowly carried her out

that’s the best spot in the whole flat

not to mention the pool-side view


I always imagine myself sitting up there

with laptop on my lap too

provided that nobody gonna call the security

thinking that I am about to commit suicide

cat at my flat


that’s just a temporary solution

she, nonchalantly walked over to my neighbour’s

soon she would be back in my flat

cat… that’s what a cat is made of

they are just indifference if their presence is

welcomed or loathed

cat at my flat 


I don’t mean to say that I loath having a cat

but it’s just not my kind of thing


in one of Jason Mraz’s song

he is one of the biggest fan of cat, that’s for sure

drawing parallel between: 

are you a democratic / republican

are you a dog / cat person


in other words

if you are a democratic,

you gonna give up being the latter


if you are a dog lover

you can’t help keeping a distant from a cat


no cat has been seen in our flat this year

not even Jessica who gave me

such a headache

one of my flatmates has been

spraying some sort of cat repellant

at the barred window where the cats

made their ways in and out as they like it


this was last October

when Jessica gave birth to four kittens of

different genres in the kitchen 

cats at my flat



I spotted a familiar face

she could be one of Jessica’s kids

who is back on a mission

cats at my flatcat at my flat


there are quite a few possibilities

one, she is back to generate the 3rd generation 

at where she was born

home-coming sort of thing


two, she wanted to seek a revenge

since we threw them out

well… I guess we kinda did

we, all the residence of the C1-10 unit agreed to

the decision of relocating the kittens

cats at my flat


dear kitty

whatever the reason for you to be here

whether you are Jessica’s daughter who

was born here last fall


there are a few things that you at least have to know

first and foremost

I don’t have any edible thing to feed you

because I am living on non-meat products



I am quite fine with you loitering at the balcony

having a sunbath or afternoon nap

you are most welcome to

but you just can’t resist the temptation of

running into my room, can you?


last but not least

I wish you all the best in your future undertaking

giving birth to kids twice a year

is the last thing you should attempt

cat at my flat


say Hi to your mom, Jessica

and your other sibilings

if they really are

her presence in the flat is not missed

but her dedication mother is much respected

wait a minute…

yet another familiar face

cats at my flat 


this was the fall of 2011

when Jessica first gave birth at the balcony

so you really could be the kid of Jessica?

Class 2011 or 2012?

cats at my flatcat at my flat


The Jessica & Sons(also daughters) series

Stupid Cat X Stop That: You’re Not My Pet
HELL-O Kitty X Twisted Birdy: That’s Reality
Jessica X Kittens: Eyes of Innocence