Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Stephelle’s Kitchen: …….Pumpkin Soup 南瓜湯

quick and easy

creamy yet not greasy(at all)

therefore low-fat yet filling

pumpkin soup

easy creamy pumpkin


pumpkin being one of my favourite veg

but didn’t really know how to utilize it

pumpkin rice, once or twice maybe

rest of the occasions,

merely steaming and eat it as it is



taking one step further after stepping

and blink… here’s my

quick and easy

creamy yet not greasy(at all)

therefore low-fat yet filling

pumpkin soup



(i) steam the pumpkin, 10 mins or so will do

(ii) remove the skin while it’s hot, which is way

easier compared to pre-cooked peeling

(iii) add it into boiling water along with your favourite vegetables


I added Russet potato and carrot,

which are sort of like my kitchen essentials

and some bowtie pasta since

I am serving the soup as a main course

easy creamy pumpkin


the pasta may got stuck to the bottom of the pan

keep adding water and stir often


never thought it would be that creamy smooth

because what I previously did with

my potato soup is to blend the ingredients

to get a puree form

and for corn soup,

filtering the puree is done after blending


the fiber of pumpkin

which was quite a lot of them

looking like some seaweed flowing in the boiling water

they just got themselves settled in the soup

good and nice fellows, they are!  


this savoury version turning out quite well

wondering if I can make a sweet version for dessert

served chilled, with coconut milk

no!! forget the coconut milk

okay, fine

some corn, and azuki beans maybe