Sunday, June 22, 2014

Hooray X Sunday: Work-Play

working Sunday

but it’s alright

i wake up at 5:30 a.m. anyway


7:30 a.m.

my 3rd date with Mr. Blendy

Base: Choc milk

Filler: Oat meal

Crunch: Cereal with fruit bites 

Flavour: Choc malt powder

2014.06.22 Chocolate Smoothies


super filling

2014.06.22 Chocolate Smoothies 02 

10:30 a.m.

prepared Mr. Fat a brunch

but he didn’t even manage to enter today

his colleague, Mr. Tall was the only one in

and he got me Nasi Lemak

so i made him eat my noodle

unfortunately he is a carnivore

so he ate only the noodle            

2014.06.22 Veg Udon


it’s that easy to give me a treat

just the simple Nasi Lemak will do

preferably with banana leaf as wrap


1:00 p.m.

so what i gonna do with these?

tea? dinner?

both will do

thank goodness this is cold noodle

so it doesn’t matter if there’s a

lapse of time in between

2014.06.22 Veg Udon 03


1:30 p.m.

Mr. Fat just texted me

his location and his lunch

meeh.. i am here alone

wondering what i gonna do with

this noodle of his, supposedly 


it is not that bad to

enter on a Sunday

because it’s really really quiet here

i even took a 30 minutes nap


and I can actually take my time to

finish off whatever in hand

to take off the extra stress

felt during Monday


that’s right

Monday blue is partly contributed by

whatever carried over from the week before

