Sunday, June 1, 2014

Dream X of Him: This is Terribly Mean

hour ago

my boyfriend was there

in my dream


he purposely caught a bus to

see me to work and

we started speaking about

my Fred Perry tote


he gently put his arm

around my waist

in shuffling crowd


it came as a surprise that

he does know Mandarin and

was speaking to my Dad during


a visit to some

Chinese cultural exhibitions

his knowledge was extensive as

they exchanged views


this part is freaking weird,

but I guess its part of the pressure

I feel I should fulfill when

it comes to finding a permanent partner:

my partner must be approved and likeable to

my dad as well or else

the hand-over would not take place



he is a good text communicator

and he sent me text like

“let me take care of you”


and he is a mastermind of

some tech-gadget geeks



I didn’t catch a good glimpse of

how he does look like


I hate waking up from it

I hate waking up from it

I hate waking up from it


for real..

6.17am it’s a Sunday

and I am in such a bad shape


recurring sore-throat and fever

piles of freelance work awaits

on my desktop

I put up with it through my

Saturday night and got knocked off

by 12 midnight


I didn’t have time for

the favouritest thing

of Saturday night which is to

write travelogue


and here I am in front of the PC

planning to start work at 7

and aim to finish by noon


and tomorrow is a Monday

ain’t no any typical Monday

it’s the Judgment day

Big Big Boss asked to see

us two who came in

roughly the same time


and our boss actually asked us to

prepare a work report of

what we have been doing so far


feeling real bad

I should be calling someone

and ask him to drop by


he would come,

I am pretty sure


but I afraid I would

break down and hug him at the door

(drama queen) and

that’s the last thing I pray to happen


because he would never ever pass

the approval test of my Dad


Déjà vu

what ever I dream of today

gonna be turning into

something real, real soon


cheer up

it’s a Sunday