Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Feeling Unsafe X Yet a Little Faith: My Concession Awaits

still in office

but my working mood doesn’t work

usually after 6:30pm

it’s a pretty spontaneous thing


well got a text from the

manager of the bus terminal


okay the story is

i saw a bus concession top up machine

at the bus terminal

and since i travel everyday

i might as well get one

so that i don’t have to prepare

so much changes for bus fare


and the deal is pretty good

i can save up to 50% on travelling

since it allows usage


okay how do i get it?

i was too “shy” to ask the guy at the station

so i went look up for information

on the website of the bus company


and i found a downloadable form

basically i have to fill up and

submit it with a photo


it’s to prevent abuse i guess

since it’s unlimited usage and

it’s not opened to non-citizens


so i went with the form

to the counter of the bus terminal

all filled up


and the guy is actually a middle-aged

with tattoo and all

well you tend to have stereotype

well i mean me

wow.. that kind of guy

which you don’t wanna mess with


i passed him the form

but he said well

they do not receive application here at the terminal

i have to go to the bus depot


bus depot is the

car park where all the buses go to

for maintenance, gas and all


i was like

what a joke

you expect people to go to the depot

to apply for a bus concession


who on earth goes there

except the bus drivers

and why not at the bus terminal

where all the users will

definitely drop by on and off 


but he was kind enough

to offer to help me

since he reports to the depot i guess

to submit the application


so i gave him the form

and the application fees


i already have the worst scenario in mind

my crumpled form ended up crying in the trash bin

and no.. my photo

and the money will be going somewhere else


or the form was left on the table for long

and later on..

still end up in the trash bin


well maybe i should have a little faith in people ya

and my faith was restored by 30%?

when he even handed me a name card

with his phone number and all


okay he is the terminal manager

30% more, restored


and today is Tuesday right

and he actually took the trouble to text me

telling me that

my concession is ready



that’s efficient

but i am only be able to collect it on

next Monday though



this is really a pleasant news



well i am thinking

probably we have been getting used to bad service

that any favour done

is greatly appreciated


and if you are getting used to

excellent tiptoe service

any minor error turn out to be

bad bad bad

i don’t know



i hope the concession

doesn’t encourage me to

travel to the shopping mall more often

since i will be travelling at practically

no extra cost at all  


okay almost time to go

since boss has already done so


thank you boss for not

staying late