Thursday, April 10, 2014

Empty X Busy: Lately..

my boss has left for meeting

light off, door locked


that means i could leave by 6 too


but somehow

i don’t know

i don’t feel easy going off at 6

as if it’s a crime


and just now i got a call

without anyone speaking



it’s that easy for boss to check on staffs

even though he/she is not in

nope.. that’s just my wild guess

but who knows


i used to leave at 6

contract was written 5:30 actually

then there’s once

boss came in after 6

wanting some help and

nobody was still around


so she reflected it

not even directly to us

but we got the hint

since then i stayed back until 6:30pm


and last week

due to heavy rain and work

i was here until 7:30pm

and still caught a bus


and the feeling was like

hey, it’s actually not too bad to

go back after 7 because

there won’t be a large crowd


i actually came to like the feeling of

going off after night falls


and the truth is

even if i go back right now

i don’t know what i gonna do

with the extra 30 minutes i have in hand

so i shall just stay


the same goes to Saturday morning

nobody enters before 9 on Saturday

because it’s a Saturday


but i am always in the office since 8

probably i enjoy the solitude too

and i can on some music without earphone too


there’s once

this big boss dropped by at 9:15am

he wanted to look for his subordinates in another office

but he walked across all offices and found no one

but he is one of the nice bosses around

therefore, it’s alright


so he dropped by and talked to me:

“Where’s everyone else??”

“It’s a Saturday , i guess?”


“Isn’t it better to come in on time

finish up your job and go on time?”


high five that’s what i thought too

and another truth is

i don’t know what i gonna do at my condo

on a Saturday morning with

30-45 minutes extra


it has become habitual

coming in early

going off moderately late


and my “nightlife” is so freaking happening

that’s what i was telling a friend



and next morning

i reshuffle the process

waking up-shower-eating-go to work

and that’s about it


wait a minute

i did try to squeeze in a 15 minutes work out

so far so good?


and yay guess what

it’s Friday tomorrow


i can go for grocery shopping

and stock up more food

than i can even finish in one week

it makes me really happy actually


filling up the shopping cart

empting tonnes of veggies onto the conveyor belt

paying with my hard-earned money

carrying two handful of goods

unloading them into the fridge / snack corner