Sunday, April 20, 2014

50's Tricycle X 70's Truck: Milo Vehicles

In conjunction with

Milo Breakfast Day



Just buy 2 packs of 2kg Milo

and redeem a Milo van

at the customer service counter

for FREE


*FREE* is a key term because

well some so-called gift are tied-in purchase

and they make sure they add the word *limited edition*


sorry i can’t help remembering the

Cat without a mouth at the M place

where people are paying like what?

the price of a meal for the toy

not forgetting you gotta buy a meal before

you are even qualify to buy the toy


i like this this way

they used to give away the vans

in a more complicated way

haha the VANS


Eg: you collect the proof of purchase

fill up a form and send it back to them


and half the page of the form is written

T&C of the programme:

*while stock last

*models are subject to availability

*it may take up to ___weeks for the delivery of the gift

*do not hold responsibility for the damage

*and so on and so forth


Hey this is better than what I expected

I thought it could be

merely a mini Hot-wheels tiny model

and can’t help liking the case

really collector-friendly right

Milo Van in the 50's


Hey I really want a 80's version

Microbus, isn't it

Milo Van in the 50's - 2011


So we actually went for

the second round because

my sis wanted to grab some as well

she is not a collector of anything but

her husband is in the truck business so

truck models interest him


unfortunately they do not stock

all models, just 3

50’s, 60’s and 2011

Milo Van in the 60's & 70's



if they stock in the 80's version

then I shall go for another set

Milo Vans


best Milo gift ever

big fan of Milo I am

I don't mind having

365 or more servings per year


and that’s the only thing that

i make sure i bring whenever i am

(okay, other than contact lens solution and

charger & international adapter, and Woodstock plush)