Thursday, February 23, 2012

Great Leap X Fast Reap: Smurfs’ Village Tips

Blue Fellows X Green Melons: Smurfs’ Village

is quite a high-hit post on Stephysiology

even until today


therefore decided to compose another post here

a few user-friendly tips for the

rookies players of Smurfs’ Village


use the tips at your own risk

I feel like sharing

because I really have come a long way

this is the first ever game I downloaded

since Nov 2010

and am still an active player right now


well, not that I own a featured village or something

but for past few months

before the recent update to Level 45

my village has been static

because it has achieved the maximum level

earned XP doesn’t contribute to anything

but actually the XP was being stored

and whenever there’s an update

your XP will be automatically credited in


Tip #1 Never let strangers messing up your village

it happened to me twice

where I lost a couple of Smurfberries (quite a couple)

because the tablet fell into wrong hands

you know how precious the berries are


and they were using the berries

to harvest petty plants like Strawberries

all I could do was to keep quiet

because you can’t really scold or ask for compensation

and can’t even explain how much does it cost

anyway, people can just get away like that

“take it easy, it’s just a game”


dang.. this was one of the culprits

caught red-handed

I thought he was quite familiar with the game

but that’s something I never expect

probably the village he has been playing

didn’t even have a single berry left

that’s why he was happily wasting them away

it’s okay.. it’s okay..

Smurfberries' thief


Tip #2 Practical Ways to Spend Your Smurfberries

earning, saving, spending

they go hand-in-hand

when you have like 30 Smurfberries

it’s about time to consider spending them


it depends on your motivation

if you want hot chick or cuties 

building a house for Smurfette or Baby Smurf

is not a bad choice

but don’t expect them to contribute much

in terms of golds and XP

Baby Smurf sleeping at the wrong place


if you are an artist or a designer

invite Painter Smurf to your village

since he can paint all the fences / benches etc

with whatever colours you like

fanciful fences in Smurfs' Village


but if you are looking for something

which will provide long-term aid

it would be Farmer Smurf

he makes crops around his house worth more

but don’t expect much, again?

since there would be less than 10 patches of land

which benefit from this bonus

and the increment is pretty low


but the best thing he can do

is to harvest all crops

with a single click

it works perfect

especially when your crops are

on the verge of withering


“Plant All Crops” is another wonder

Farmer Smurf’s can do to your plant

but prepare to spend an additional 15 Smurfberries

for an Farmer Smurf’s “hidden” update

before he is ready to do the job for you

Farmer Smurf

Tip #3: Smurfberries Sales

it happened once in a blue moon

updates and items are offered at a lower price

at fewer Smurfberries, I mean


two weeks back

Tailor Smurf,

the one who sew pirate, scholar etc hats

super fanciful one, for fellow Smurfs 

was offered at 15 Smurfberries

instead of 30

wow 50% off


but it was damn frustrating

because you need to have 30 Smurfberries

which is the full price

in order to qualify for the discount

in order words

they want you to pay in full amount

then offer the 50% rebates

and the best thing of all

I had 27 Smurfberries in my village


then later on

I spent 20 Smurfberries at the next sales period

on Farmer Smurf

who originally worth 25 berries


not the best buy

but since I was planning to hire him,

quite some time ago

it doesn’t really matter


actually my ultimate aim

is still to get Tailor Smurfs

and grab all the fanciful hats

for my hardworking villagers


Tip #4 Long Term Financial Investment

when you proceed to higher and higher level

money starts rolling in like dirt cheap

buying decorations would be good

but your village will soon run out of space


butterfly is a good investment

  • 20 golds and 60 XP / 2 hours
  • looks good, because it is forever flipping wings
  • only take up one square of space


my butterfly farm

I call this part of the village

S.I.P. Smurfs’ Industry Park

Butterfy Farm in my Smurfs' Village


Tip #5 Lagging Issue

I used to encounter this quite often

maybe because my tablet is the old first-generation

it is either lagging and causing wrong clicks

or I can’t enter the village at all

exiting to the desktop, automatically


switching off all the other running apps

or restarting the whole system

both didn’t work


the only solution is to

turn of the Wifi

everything was solved, immediately


but I must say that

the apps developer has been doing quite well

in constantly updating the game for the better


eg, now it can run simultaneously with music player

before that,

somehow feel too lazy

first, return to the village to harvest crops

then have to turn the music on again

before putting down the tablet

now just stay in the village

while enjoying the music

thanks a million,

from a multi-tasker like me 


Tip #6: Night Mode

I hate night mode

the night falls after 7p.m.

everything turns dim

doing much harm to my already-spoilt eyes


all we get to earn at night

is a 400 XP on a daily basis

for comforting Scaredy Smurf

not worth it, for the discomfort

Smurfs' Village at night


just turn it off at the Option column

24 hours sunny village is still preferred


Tip #7: Perseverance is The Best Policy 

you may start late

but as long as you strategize the planting

at your own pace, on a constant basis

your Smurfs’ Village will flourish fast


and what you earn

although they are not real monetary value

or eligible crops

(that’s what my dad always says,

I am working way too hard as if the melons are eligible)


somehow it brings loads of satisfaction

to see your Smurfs’

hanging around when they are free

working hard when they are at farm

Smurfs X Easter Bunny


and harvesting the juicy, colourful crops

yum yum yum…

drooling over my favourite vegetables at fruits,


Smurfs' Village Potato Harvest


day in day out, 

nothing is more exiting that a seasonal update

Snowing Smurfs' Village


Happy Smurfing,

all the Captain Smurfs out there