Friday, February 24, 2012

Silent Lamb X Anti-social Camp: They Think I Am…

What Most People Think I Am


I get excited and soon go insane

when it comes to shopping

but actually I am not a shopaholic

my real identity is a Market Surveyor, instead

I take stocks of everything from

ad campaign, shop display, what’s hot and not

practically all the things to do with shopping

but I don’t really shop *blushing* 

I study shopping


What They Also Think I Am


I am bad at socializing

especially among strangers


When They Started Talking to Me, They Think I Am

iStephru is here

iPad freak

because when I don’t really know how to response

or don’t feel like responding during conversation

I will start burying my head into my iStephru

and get busy with everything else

but talking


What Lecturers / Boss Think I Am

mute student

I don’t really like to talk in class

or communicating with lecturers after class

those old-school quotes which sound

“empty tin sounds the loudest”

the one something something potato:

“diam-diam ubi berisi”

in the long term, your works will prove your worthiness

What My Relatives Think I Am

ugly bettyI wear specs most of the time and appear ugly

I don’t have a single gorgeous cousin or what

just let their impression remains where

it was ten years back

nerdy, cowardly,ugly

that’s this stupid aunty of mine

who advised me

  • you should start wearing make-up
  • you should go out more
  • you should go travelling
  • you should start dating
  • you should dress up more

I just keep nodding and nodding



What My Housemates Think I Am

vegetables eater

I cook very healthily

no oil, no meat, no flavourings

actually I do eat unhealthy stuffs too

especially when nobody is seeing

a real vegan does not struggle with

weight management problem    


What My Enemies Think I Am

drama queen and bitchall I can say is, I am sorry

especially him, him and her, and also her

oh my, I think the list is quite long actually

you know who you are

millions apologies


What My Manager Think I Am

P1090766Cantopop and movie industry and all the HK gossips 

that’s the biggest interest we share in common

since she reads little Mandarin

I am her “Wiki” to all the info she needs

and we spam each other quite a lot on Wyman Wong

who knows… why?

and we make a good pair of backpackers


What Her Highness The Queen Think I Am

her highness and me

although I am not good at socializing

I spend a lot of time talking to this single person

like after classes or on free days

we spend hours talking and talking.. mostly gossips

and catch the last bus back 

she told me this, once

I am the only person she trusts around the university

the bond is strong, since the beginning

in fact, she was the first person who talked to me

people come and go,

one single trustworthy friend will do 



What My Dad Think I Am

scaredy baby

in a parent’s heart

a child will always remain a child

that’s why you can cry like a baby

without having to tell why

and your laugh is more than enough

to make him happy


What My Mom Think I Am


too lazy too messy

too much clothes and shoes.. and toys and everything

but always can’t find a suitable one

when it’s about time to go out

but that’s the problem

tend to become lazier and messier at home

because mom is always there

and whenever away at home

of course I know how to take care of myself

and finding clothes is not a problem

because it doesn’t has to go through

the censoring approval stage


What My Sister Think I Am

worker looking for money

since we can’t clique

I found a balance point in our sibling-relationship

it’s more like employer-employee

and I always address her as my boss

eg, massaging for her, shopping companion

and among others are how I earn extra pocket money


What My Niece Think I Am

Ultraman against the Green Dino

she is always the hero

then I am the bad antagonist

and pretend injured is what I do the best


but I admit that the dinasaur-ish character

does exist in me

whenever I am in a very bad mood

we shout into each other faces quite a lot

but soon, we will be the best friends again




don’t get my personality and my attitude twisted


my personality is me,

and my attitude depends on you

2011.04.29 No Sleep