Friday, June 2, 2017

You MAY Wonder X How I Travel: The Mind Wanderer

to summarize May

it was a good bumpy ride


April sales was quite bad

so i was kinda worried for May

but it turned out great


since early of the month

unexpected flow of

large volume projects



but due to constant flow of

other projects

i didn’t actually make

good progress on the large volumes


9th May

on the night before i flew

i woke up at 1 AM

started doing work until 4 AM


packed up by 6 AM

and caught a ride

to the airport by 6:30 AM


10th May

three night at Saigon

was well spent

juggling between

work and sightseeing


by staying up slightly late

waking up slightly early

and the gaps in between


a friend asked

how do i manage it?

it’s something called

energy saving mode


would like to

apologize to my travel mates

because sometimes

my mind actually wandered

somewhere else when they were

discussing about the trip


when they were done

i was asking

are we catching a Uber there?


in fact they had

a  good walking route

all planned out

covering a few attractions

along the way



how it felt like

working at 2:25 AM

SIlverland Jolie,Ho Chi Minh City


12 May

during the final day

i went all out and

skipped the activities

after 3 PM


and started burning the

mid-afternoon oil

all the way until 12 AM

and went down for

a quick shopping at K-Circle


by the way

that Suntory TEA+

is really good

Circle K, Vietnam - TEA+ by Suntory


and continued working

until 3 AM after a quick break of

instant noodle, ice cream and tea


13 May

resumed at 6 AM

went to the roof top

because the room got quite stuff

should have came here

way earlier

Silverland Jolie, Ho Chi Minh City


while my fellow travel mates

went for final round of shopping

at Bến Thành Market



my ugly feet had to be in here

to show how cozy it was

lazing around on the huge

round rattan lazy chair

Silverland Jolie, Ho Chi Minh City


13 May

checked out – airport

Sg – concert

it was two hours of

leaving all works behind

and have fun kinda feeling


and gosh i actually felt the blue

when the concert ended at

9:30 PM???



was supposed to continue working

but the bed was quite cozy

The Pod @ Beach Road: Boutique Capsule Hotel



so decided to sleep and

continued working

the next day until 11 AM

so that i actually got to

enjoy a work-free Sunday


the busy peak was finally over

at least the 2nd half of the month

became less stressful and guilt-free

as i had managed to

bill in some good figures

during the travelling week


and the month ended well

with another large volume project

over a span of one week


and during one of the weekends

managed to stay work-free

for two consecutive days

during the weekend

for two impromptu catch-up sessions


well.. two sessions

taking place back-to-back

are actually an important milestone

for an anti-socialist like me
