Saturday, June 17, 2017

Found but Can’t Book X Solved in 10 Mins: Pocket Wi-Fi, Done

have to get a

portable Wi-Fi router

or data SIM card for

our upcoming trip


since our host is not providing one

and our travel mates

(the businessmen)

kind of need Internet


then again..

i actually decided to

opt for the one from

Facebook sponsored ad

(with 7 likes from mutual friends)

although i hardly came across it previously


lowest rate (15 MYR)

with unlimited data

Travel Recommend


then found that

i can’t create a booking

probably because 5 working days

before departure is required

and 22nd can’t even be selected

Travel Recommends


so i dropped them a Whatsapp text

and all i need to do is to

drop my application

via Whatsapp instead


instant booking confirmation

proceed to payment

instant payment confirmation


everything is done

within 10+ minutes



they are nice enough

to take one day off

and fill up the order as

23rd 00:00 AM

since we are flying on

11:30 PM on 22nd


i had thought of doing that too

when i failed to book online

but was afraid that

that wouldn’t do


thumbs up for the

(1) great customer service

(2) flexibility

(3) efficiency


not forgetting

the best rate available!
