Saturday, September 26, 2015

Friday Night X Working Tight: Whatever Feels Right

started work after 10pm just now

and decided to call it a day by 1am

but first, let me do some blogging


it has been a quiet day

that was why I was blogging about Liu Wen

in broad day light and

doing some flight ticket research as well


until 4pm there came a potential job

a press release of a concert event

something interesting to me

yet it was soon called off

quite a familiar thingy for us


therefore basically had spent 2 days

without any billable work at all


so even if work comes in after 10pm

and it’s due next Monday

decided to stay up and

managed to complete 2/3 of it


thank goodness

I have learnt the trick

do check your email on Friday night

because you will never know

and guess what

another potential job came in at 12:25am

that’s due to different time zone


however since it’s labeled as potential

chances are 50/50


and there I go

officially sailing into the weekend

neither too busy nor too idle


with capacity to take in more

anything is welcomed, of course

you do get job on Sunday morning

rare, but yeah

anything for the clients


ever since I become a freelancer

the demarcation between

weekend and weekday is

basically quite blurred


the good thing is

I never ever have to suffer from Monday blue

in fact, Monday is something to look forward to

if the workload over the weekend is pretty tight

eg: last week,

3 different projects due on Monday morning


Monday is more like my weekend

as everything is delivered by Monday morning

and there tends to be a small gap in between as

massive project usually doesn’t

come in on a Monday


the bad thing is

I somehow feel guilty and redundant 

if I do not get any projects for the weekend

as if the whole freelance thing is

no longer sustainable till the next Monday

that kind of insecurity is just eerie


but as I have chosen the path

the choice is mine

on how to pace my work well

under the precondition that..



of course client’s deadline is everything


two days ago

I was accompanying my 3 year-old nephew at play

while working on a non-urgent piece

he tried to close my laptop and

joined him at play so I did

while still working on


then suddenly something urgent came in

like the client needed it in one hour

and it’s a proposal/presentation

which I can’t afford to risk on

any mistake or further delay


so I told my nephew

of course he couldn’t get it

and he was “forcefully removed from the scene”

so that I could concentrate


that’s all for today

I am actually quite hungry since 11

all I had for dinner was some veggie soup

keep calm, and the diet plan must go on


going to bed with an empty stomach

a mind possessed with word-processing process

it’s gonna be tough to fall asleep


therefore the blogging session 

just to take off the word-load off my mind


life is work

work is life

I love my work

I therefore love my life

despite it’s slightly upside-down right now