Wednesday, September 23, 2015

CD/成都/06: Mt. Emei 峨眉山 1/2

travelling 30km from

Leshan Giant Buddha(樂山大佛)


it actually saved us some time as

we took an “illegal” cab

Leshan Bus Terminal – Giant Buddha

and he offered us to leave the bags and

top up another 80RMB for

Giant Buddha – Mount Emei


it’s mutual gain actually

he got us for the RMB 100 ride and

we went to the hotel he recommended

180 RMB for this, no complaint

Accomodation at Mount Emei - 峨眉山酒店


checked in by 3:00pm 

got a late lunch

recommended by the hotel

one of the worst yet

expensive meal ever

I didn’t even snap photo.. lol


moral of the lesson

tourists are meant to be slaughtered

even if you are at the foot of a sacred mountain

resorted to instant noodle for dinner then


and ready to explore

the foot of the mountain

before a full-day exploration the next day


two famous temples and

one museum dedicated to the mountain

we didn’t manage to enter the museum as

it was closing at 5pm

ideally should have come the next day

as the 190 RMB main entrance ticket is

inclusive of the museum ticket

Foot of the mountain at Mount Emei - 峨眉山山腳


it was a pleasantly sunny evening

now that I was looking back at the photos

how I wish the weather on the

next day was the same too


#1 stop Bao Guo Temple(報國寺)

the name of the temple as written by

the very Emperor KangXi

Bao Guo Temple 報國寺 / Mount Emei 峨眉山


I particularly remembered

a monk with a group of his disciples

he was speaking about how

he would like to renovate their temple

based on this template too and



a group of kids who were snapping photos

with their graduation robes

well.. Mt. Emei for a grad trip

that never occur to me as

someone like me who

didn’t even attend my own convo

Bao Guo Temple 報國寺 / Mount Emei 峨眉山


#2 Fohu Temple(伏虎寺)

contrasting its name with a Tiger in there

the temple has a soft-touch to it

perfectly hidden 1.5km away from the main road

walking on bridges over a stream

Fu Hu Temple 伏虎寺 / Mount Emei 峨眉山Fu Hu Temple 伏虎寺 / Mount Emei 峨眉山


The most good-looking ever

Guardian of the (and most) Buddhist temple

Skanda a.k.a. Wei Tuo(韋馱尊者)

Fu Hu Temple 伏虎寺 / Mount Emei 峨眉山


The literally Dirt-free Yard(離垢園)

named by Emperor KangXi

obviously since he visited the other temple

he dropped by here as well

based on the anecdote

surrounded by trees

there’s never a single fallen leaf in this temple

not even one on the roof

Dirt-free is in pursuit as a state of mind too

Fu Hu Temple 伏虎寺 / Mount Emei 峨眉山


I was seriously checking, you see

Fu Hu Temple 伏虎寺 / Mount Emei 峨眉山Fu Hu Temple 伏虎寺 / Mount Emei 峨眉山Fu Hu Temple 伏虎寺 / Mount Emei 峨眉山


a pair of lions with a cub

is quite a familiar sight at temples

but two cubs..

I happened to notice this a minute ago too

Fu Hu Temple 伏虎寺 / Mount Emei 峨眉山


500 Arhats Hall (五百羅漢堂)

this is the 3rd one I come across

Fu Hu Temple 伏虎寺 / Mount Emei 峨眉山Fu Hu Temple 伏虎寺 / Mount Emei 峨眉山


it is usually built in the shape of

the Buddhism symbol

yup the rotated Nazi symbol

and basically you will go one round

without coming across the same path twice

this one was really well-labeled

1-500, with their names on

yet I lost count and messed up my way again

Fu Hu Temple 伏虎寺 / Mount Emei 峨眉山Fu Hu Temple 伏虎寺 / Mount Emei 峨眉山Fu Hu Temple 伏虎寺 / Mount Emei 峨眉山


the day ended early 

since it was quite a long day

from Chengdu – Leshan - Mt. Emei

and scheduled to wake up at

4am the next day


I ended up sleeping really late, though

thanks to that Emei Movie channel

which was showing Helios (赤道)

allow me to write a quick review here

Shawn Yue  Helios 赤道


the movie was quite a disappointment

given that these are the directors of Cold War

more disappointment as


the character played by Shawn Yue was kinda

well.. the small cop you can dispose of

and usually that kind who

was quickly gotten rid of


Choi Siwon was a great surprise

that was the preclude before

I kinda fall for him after

To the Fore and

that dating reality show with Liu Wen

as I never expected him to die


I mean a K-pop star to

die horribly in a Chinese movie

he must be quite a nice person to

swallow that part


Helios movie night at Mount Emei 

after visiting the Leshan Giant Buddha

not too bad a day


which started really bad

back in Chengdu

I vow not to mention the incident again

to avoid unnecessary pain


the best/worst was awaiting

the next day