Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Poor Birdie X Sleeping Soundly: Never Ever Waking

I was sitting at the balcony

the whole evening

pretending to be smoking


that's my fav activity since

I moved in 3 days ago

until I went back into my room

to charge my phone


and I kept reminding myself

not to forget to go back

to close the sliding door


and my goodness

I found this

my poor little friend, where did you come from


having depressed from a long day

It actually made me wanna cry

the peak, the feathers, the tiny feet

everything is so pretty and real

except the eyes


won't you please wake up

what am I gonna do with you?


I moved it to the balcony

hoping it will fly again

or else I gonna bury it tomorrow


was it my fault?

just because I left the door ajar

He managed to fly in 

and bumped into something


please stay strong baby

while you have what it takes to fly

how I wish I am you

alive flying or sleeping soundly

forever and ever

both is fine for me

please wake up!!