Saturday, January 18, 2014

Flash Mob X Marriage Proposal: X’Mas Eve Made Memorable, I’m Just A Onlooker

last Christmas Eve at Taipei

was wandering in town

with a HK girl I just met at the hostel


walking at the high-end Shin Yi shopping district

ShinKong Mitsukoshi departmental store

which houses Prada, LV etc

you can guess the rest


which attracted a large crowd

frankly speaking

loads on the pedestrian walk

not much in the store itself, I guess

it’s walking distance from 101 too



then here came the scene

Flash mob marriage proposal X Christmas EveFlash mob marriage proposal X Christmas EveFlash mob marriage proposal X Christmas EveFlash mob marriage proposal X Christmas EveFlash mob marriage proposal X Christmas EveFlash mob marriage proposal X Christmas Eve


first there was a flash mob dance

then the Mr. Bf appeared in suit and tie

I guess previously he was

supposed to pretend to be walking

in normal attire with the gf

and he suddenly went change during the dance


and declared his marriage proposal

while suddenly the circle of mini firework

was lit up by his friends and the onlookers


and she said yes in tears and smile

*cheers and claps from the crowd*



I used to think

it was such an embarrassment to have

something like this happening

having so many people watching


but hello..

please reserve this statement 

because I don’t even have someone

who would do this for me


yet after the live version

found it quite touching

especially the firework part

I don’t know why

firework always makes me teary

I could just cry

watching a New Year firework

all by my self


probably it’s not because I am touched

but it is attributed to my bad eyesight

which is quite sensitive to

sudden exposure of light



now I regret

I didn’t make a Christmas wish

to find someone who is willing to this for me

not to say to actually execute it

just the willingness to do it will do