Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Young Detective Dee X Rise of the Sea Dragon: 狄仁傑之神都龍王

Young Detective Dee Rise of the Sea Dragon - 狄仁傑之神都龍王 01Young Detective Dee Rise of the Sea Dragon - 狄仁傑之神都龍王 02

Young Detective Dee:Rise of the Sea Dragon

no.. not exactly surrounding investigation

more like a science fiction in disguise


pretty new elements found in oriental period piece

rock climbing fight, sea monster, “Frankenstein”

packed with heroism-martial action

set in a quite realistic and meticulously designed

Tang Dynasty setting


the plot is just alright,

doesn’t really give you that

“bang”impressive effect

and i somehow was like

oh okay, it’s about insect poisoning... again,

similar to the first Detective Dee movie


i don’t know

probably I am a little sensitive

the theme surrounding at war with Korea

Japanese baddies are kinda political

agenda-setting sort of theme


sci-fi is not my kind of thing

but the visual effects are up to something

although it doesn’t offer too much of surprise

in theme of storyline

at least I didn’t walk out of the cinema

with the what-the-heck-is-this feeling


have to admit that

“idolism”effect is the one which

attracted me into the cinema in the first place


Mark Mark!!!

have been watching all his movies and drama

the one and only drama he has back in Taiwan

and his career just boomed all the way


but this Mr. Dee isn’t exactly my favourite

of all the characters so far

and there were too little space for him to actually

act it out, pouring his killing emotions

plus the goatee is kinda, arrgh just don’t like it

if I could just get hold of a pair of scissors

Young Detective Dee


and his very plain contemporary accent

doesn’t quite fit in Tang Dynasty


ha what cha asking for, boss

mad if there is dubbing

and original voice doesn’t sound ancient enough


and the idolisation of Feng Shao Feng 馮紹峰

probably there are tonnes of audiences like me

oh my goodness, still can’t get over

his role as Lan Ling Wang 蘭陵王


given the action packed scenes

he stole more space to act, compared to Mark Mark

in his eyes, the look of jealousy and contempt

towards Mr. Dee

his eyes are just MESMERIZING!!!


Lin Geng Xin 林更新, the Mr. cutie

quite eye catching

i didn’t really watch the palace-romance drama

he acted in

《Scarlet Heart 步步驚心》

but he was the best looking prince, i think

among them all


I still like Feng Shao Feng among the boys

just that he has this disadvantage in terms of height

when three of them are standing side by side

Young Detective Dee Rise of the Sea Dragon - 狄仁傑之神都龍王 05


hey stop rambling on

height and wisdom and charisma are not co-related

Young Detective Dee Rise of the Sea Dragon - 狄仁傑之神都龍王 06


and could anybody tell me

why is this character of his in red hair,

even the eyelashes and

light-shading eyes

Young Detective Dee Rise of the Sea Dragon - 狄仁傑之神都龍王 03


Angelababy is so so pretty, as usual

goodness quite a poor-thing

despite of the top-ranked position as a prostitute

kidnapper who almost molested her

made to kiss “Frankenstein ”and

came to discover that’s her boyfie

Young Detective Dee Rise of the Sea Dragon - 狄仁傑之神都龍王 04


the scenes where she were flung around in danger

i was like… arrgh will her bone break

cracccckk… just like that

poor baby


overall, good

living up to the expectation of Hua-Yi Bros production

visual effect, costume design, etc

and not forgetting

Mr. Director, Tsui Hak who kind of

specializes in costume movies since

way back when they were

99.9% Made in Hong Kong


i can’t help comparing it to Tai Chi series

although i prefer the latter, in terms of storyline

and if Mark Mark is given more space to act


it is going to sell well, for sure

in conjunction with the cinema peak season this week

a week-long break for Chinese Independent Day

almost hitting box office of

150 million RMB within three days


happy belated 29th birthday to Mark Mark

what.. he is not even 30 yet!

and apologies I simply love calling him Mark Mark

I don’t really stalk him like

how I have been stalking Eddie

but somehow following each and every movie of his

Young Detective Dee Rise of the Sea Dragon - 狄仁傑之神都龍王 07


and I just came to know

Mark Mark and Lin Geng Xin

are filming 《Black & White 2 痞子英雄》

woohoo, looking forward


Young Detective Dee: Rise of the Sea Dragon / Trailer

狄仁傑之神都龍王 / 預告片