Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Shout Out Loud X Super Busy Now: No Time to Blog About…

There are actually a lot of stuffs which

I would like to blog about

but couldn’t find the time to


forgive me if the posts recently

there are loads depressing and bitching


hey, why the hell I have time to

blog about those then

because those are the one that I have to

blog on a instant basis because

that’s how I vent my negative energy away


so here’s the list

I hope I wouldn’t forget to blog

when I have some time to kill

Shopping QS couple bags cool yet romantic
they are meant as one
  a pair of dresses buy 1 free 1 at
an unbelievable price 
yet, are hell lovely
  Vans Oxfie finally buying
accidentally bumping into
after two years of KIV
Travels youth hostel lodging at KL pocketful of sunshine
us, trio are always that adventurous &
I actually got a culture shock in the city
I thought I really know well
  pending posts since summer damn, the photos are still in my camera
one of the best museum, ever
  winter planning one has been finalized
more to come, I hope
Toys my first Wally’s guess what’s that
official photos are here,
  Mr. & Lil Miss pink umbrella
plus a
purple tee
no way!!
Mag Mag gave those to me to boost my feminity, hence opposite attraction 
Evol stupid love song heard this love song which
almost gave an insomnia
for at least ten minutes
  letter to bf planning to write him another on 11111
Drama (for real) too much!! too much!!!
it may take me days
but anyway cut the story
I gonna write what I learnt instead
pumpkin feast pumpkin wrap
pumpkin noodle
pumpkin sandwich
pumpkin seed
pumpkin salad
  Udon noodle amazingly easy
Stephout lab my muscle look!!
finally taking shape
  spicy food theory formulated by me
good or bad for dieting?
Junoism Rigor Mortis to watch or not to?
Eddiction lookbook
I miss Eddie badly
oh man, he gonna win a
Golden Horse award
because I say so


for the time being

well I don’t really have time for that

and I am sleeping real early these days

like before midnight


but not so early, again

starting this week

burning the midnight oil



one more chapter to go

and a lot more housekeeping here and there


two tourism proposals

on two neighbouring countries

damn.. it sounds like being a duo-faced bitch

working for two close competitors


digital advertising campaign

which gonna present for real to the client

being the police force of the country

still a little more to go

would share about the outcome a little too


lyric which has been turned into

a real song and jingle,

sucking acting, as a support actress

but better at script writing


I am more damn sure now

I am meant to be behind the backdrop

never under the limelight   


I suddenly felt I have grown so much

over this October


yay Baby, keep it up

less than thirty days to go