Sunday, August 8, 2021

2021/08/08: June

following the lockdown in late March
spent almost the whole month 
stuck at home
but i never really got bored 
since there was quite a bit of work
what a pleasant surprise it is
as June 2020 ended with 
a 5 year new low
the OT sessions 
sometimes went on for days
but have tried to stick to the routine of
starting early and finishing by 12am
so it kinda helped myself 
to "normalise" the differences
between peak and non peak seasons
in short
being productive without
hurting the work-life balance
speaking of non peak
it soon came in July
mentally unprepared initially
like not working for the whole day
and taking long naps in between
but that's how a non peak 
should look like 
and it wasn't that bad after all