Sunday, March 29, 2020

2020/03/29: February

Should have written this

long time ago

but anywhere


February was a long month

subjected to loads

uncertainty, concern

and even fear


back then

it wasn’t called a pandemic

and it was a regional issue


it was Lunar New Year

in late January

the first 4 days of Feb

was spent in Southern Taiwan


lovely weather

sunny and chilly

but the air was a bit tensed

where everyone was

putting on a mask


then a subsequent Samui trip

was cancelled

because my parents

didn’t feel okay with it


so i chose not to go

even if my friends did go ahead

but all they did was

chilling around the villa

no beach no sightseeing


then another short

weekend concert trip

got cancelled as well

the event had been postponed

but no specific date

has been announced yet

after so long


and a refund is in process

but i kinda fear for the worst


but thank goodness

sales was pretty good

not common for a February

it kept me occupied

throughout the “dark” moments

given all the cancellation

and of course not forgetting

Valentine’s day


so it wasn’t as bad

after all


and i adopted a change of

“being” in the neighborhood

taking my nephews for walk

going to the local market

driving my mom out on

Sunday morning


kinda miss those now

given the fact that

we are now on a 4 week

movement restriction order

in day 12th now


during heightened period like this

trip cancellation doesn’t sound

as important anymore


thank you February

for the trial period

knowing the fact that

i couldn’t travel as much


now that we can’t even travel

out of the house

unless necessary


activities have been

further downscaled

from neighborhood to

house compound

doing things like

clearing old stuff

sweeping leaves

bed-time reading


hope for the best

for everyone
