Monday, December 4, 2017

Packed X Checked: There We Go Again

it’s one of those

super-packed Monday that

i don’t even have time to

feel blue about it


started work at 6:30 AM

finished everything by 7:30 PM

started packing at 9:00 PM

done by 10:00 PM


throughout the day

had got help from my mom

to find this and that

particular items which are

particularly essential

somehow familiar yet

location unidentified


in fact

it started yesterday

a travel SIM card

the problem was

i bought it kinda early

like mid October


i found the invoice

but not the SIM card itself

so i got help from my dad

telling him to look for a

credit card size package


thank goodness

i usually snapped photo of

everything i bought

especially via online shopping

for blogging or what not


so i managed to dig

this photo from my album

and tada…

my dad immediately found it

remembering the Great Wall pic

China Mobile SIM



it was not even card size


so this is the first time

i am travelling with this

cabin size luggage i bought

on Singles Day


somehow i felt bad about

dumping my duffle bag which

has been travelling with me

at least for the last 10-15 trips


i managed to squeeze everything in


it is almost midnight now

feeling reluctant to sleep early

for some me-time before leaving

bus at 6:30 AM

flight at 11:05 AM


the plan is to have

family breakfast at 5:30 AM

wondering how many can make it


had taken the same flight at 11:05 AM 

but ended up catching the 12 AM bus

and killed the whole night in the airport

somehow yeah just managed to

i worked, i napped, i blogged
